whale watching tour

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

whale watching tour

Costa Rica is a land of superlatives.
More species of birds than in the entire United States.

More kinds of butterflies than in all of the African continent.

The Osa Peninsula, the most biologically diverse place on the planet.

And waters teeming with diversity of marine life like no other.

From the Blue Whale, the largest creature ever to exist in the world (bigger than the biggest dinosaur, heavier than a herd of 20 elephants) to the Humpback Whale with its extraordinary singing to the Cuvier Beaked Whale with its. . . beak.Off Costa Rica’s Southern Pacific Coast lies a huge shelf called “the Dome” (its longer name is the Costa Rica Thermal Convection Dome).
It’s like no place else in the world. Shallow warm waters lie atop low-oxygen cold water that wells up, creating the perfect ecosystem for an enormous richness and variety of marine life. A magical place and, until just a few years ago, virtually unknown to people who travel Costa Rica.

No more.

Today, a humpback whale watching trip is an essential part of more and more Costa Rica vacations---thanks to the Dome.

  • Dolphin - Whale watching Tour offers a wide Costa Rica Tours options, like dolphing and watching tours, Corcovado Tour and snorkeling tour
  • Costa Rica is one of the most up to date, detail oriented sites serving the online community... Navigate to Whale Watching 01 Whale Watching; Navigate to Playa Conchal ... Costa Rica Adventure Activities. Canopy Tours Horseback Riding
  • And if you want to experience large numbers of dolphins and whales combined with rainforesttours, come to Costa Rica! Wherever you decide to go 

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